Thursday 19 December 2013

Tax Systems Twenty-FiveYears from Now

EC tax review 2013/6 - Prof.Dr. H.A. Kogels

How will the tax systems around the world look in twenty-five years? This intriguing question was raised by the 75 year young International Fiscal Association in a Jubilee Seminar at its 2013 Congress in Copenhagen, last August.1 A panel  from the six continents, chaired by Michael Lang (Austria) and including Wei Cui (People’s Republic of China), Keith Engel (South Africa), Liselott Kana (Chile), Rick Krever (Australia), Scott Wilkie (Canada), took the challenge by going into five issues: the future development of the ‘tax mix’, the characteristics of Value Added Tax (VAT) systems, the arm’s length principle, the introduction of new types of taxes and the relation between tax administrations and tax advisors. After each agenda point the audience could share their opinion by voting on the predicted developments. Although the five issues were discussed in the above mentioned order, I will first go into the arm’s length principle and the relation between tax administrations and tax advisors.

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